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The Marriage of the Lamb

Revelation 19:7 (ESV) … “Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready…”

The most precious object in all the world to the Lord is the church, his bride. The Apostle Paul wrote in his epistles the great love that Jesus has for the church. The Bible teaches us that at the moment of our conversion we are espoused unto the Lord Jesus. Furthermore, we are given the seal of that engagement by way of the Holy Spirit.

However, our wedding day has yet to happen. For many centuries, the bride of Christ has been awaiting that glorious and precious day. We must be careful not to think that Jesus is not active though. Our glorious savior has promised he is coming again to receive his bride and beyond that promise he is actively preparing a place for us for all eternity. Until that day, the day of rapture our job is to wait, work, worship and witness in this world. The invitation to join the wedding party is still open to all who will trust in Jesus. The Apostle Paul says, “Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light” (Col. 1:12). So come today if you haven’t yet come to Jesus, and join the bride of Christ, the church, and be ready for that great day Jesus has prepared for us!

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